What is BirdFest?
BirdFest is an annual FREE Bird Festival put on by Balsam Mountain Trust to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. This year the theme of the festival is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds” emphasizing the important relationship between a healthy invertebrate population and a thriving bird community, especially in spring when insects provide crucial protein for growing nestlings. At BirdFest, you can plan on enjoying free educational programming like bird and insect related walks and presentations, nature-themed music, art, vendors, local conservation organizations and some amazing raffles. One day not enough to celebrate birds? Check out THIS CALENDAR of bird-related community activites going on all week.

When is BirdFest?
BirdFest is Saturday, May 11th, 2024 from 10:00am-4:00pm.
Where is BirdFest?
This year, BirdFest is being held at Monteith Farmstead and Community Park in Dillsboro, NC.
How do I get involved in BirdFest?
If you are a vendor, artist, musician, business or organization related to conservation, preservation, sustainability, or nature located in WNC and want to be involved in BirdFest this year or in the future, please email gpatton@bmtrust.org with “BirdFest Inquiry” in the subject line to recieve more information.
Celebrate birds ALL WEEK.
Is a single day just not enough for you to celebrate the wonder of birds and insects? We’ve got you covered. Click HERE to see a calendar of pre-festival bird and nature-themed community events around WNC from May 4 – 10.
Our Awesome Partners and Sponsors
We would like to thank our partner organizations AmeriCorps, Mainspring Conservation Trust, Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust, Wild Remembering, and our amazing sponsor, Vortex Optics.