Monday, 26th – 1:00pm – Trout Lily Status Hike – Nature Center Join Michael for a hike, likely on Cashie Branch, in hopes of finding the first Trout Lilies of spring!
Lets mix art and nature to make a scavenger hunt for the whole Preserve! Never heard of letterboxing? We’ll make our own custom stamps to hide in waterproof canisters along the trails of the Preserve along with an inkpad. Clues to their location will be released and the hunt will start. Intrepid hikers can fill […]
Get your Spring on as we kick-off our participation in the National Phenology Network’s “Nature’s Notebook” program. What is phenology, you may ask? It is “nature’s calendar – when cherry trees bloom, when a robin builds its nest and when leaves turn color in the fall” ( When volunteers across the country join forces to […]
For a short time in spring, certain wildflowers only bloom and grow in a 2–3-week period to take advantage of early spring light before the big trees leaf out. These flowers are known as Spring Ephemerals. Come Join Naturalist Gina Patton to meet these special flowers and capture them in delightful botanical sketches. The sketching […]
Calling all book and nature lovers, artists, scientists, poets... Join us on the second Thursday of each month for a community nature adventure where we discuss The Forest Unseen by David Haskell, create and observe our own nature plots, and explore the wild world. Contact Amy Duggins, BMT’s Community Science Coordinator, to sign up at […]
Plants known as Spring Emphemerals, like Spring Beauty, Toothwort, and Trout Lily, complete their entire above-ground life cycle during only a few weeks in spring before trees fully leaf out. Come join Balsam Mountain Trust Naturalist, Gina Patton, as we seek out these dainty flowers and discover the adaptations that make them so special. Meet […]
Calling all book and nature lovers, artists, scientists, poets... All are welcome! Bring your copy of The Forest Unseen, journal, and favorite tea mug, and join us at the Outpost, or drop in on Zoom if you’re away from the Mountain. Contact Amy for this month’s reading at
Celebrate the first week of spring with a walk to search for early season wildflowers. We’ll admire these fleeting beauties, get to know their unique personalities, and learn a little about their natural history. Meet Amy at the Nature Center.
Join Michael for a hike off of the Preserve at High Falls south of Cullowhee. We will meet at the Nature Center and carpool to the trailhead. The hike will be a total of 4 miles with two picturesque waterfalls along the route. Bring a backpack with lunch and water.
Some of the best foraging of the year comes in spring when Morel Mushrooms and Ramps both emerge in our woods around the same time. Come with Naturalist Gina Patton to search the Preserve for these two delicacies, learn ethical harvesting techniques, and hopefully sample some of what we find back at the Nature Center. […]